After May 3, 2024, this dataset and webpage will no longer be updated because hospitals are no longer required to report data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, and hospital capacity and occupancy data, to HHS through CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network. Data voluntarily reported to NHSN after May 1, 2024, will be available starting May 10, 2024, at COVID Data Tracker Hospitalizations.
This report shows data completeness information on data submitted by hospitals for the previous week, from Friday to Thursday. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services requires all hospitals licensed to provide 24-hour care to report certain data necessary to the all-of-America COVID-19 response. The report includes the following information for each hospital:
- The percentage of mandatory fields reported.
- The number of days in the preceding week where 100% of the fields were completed.
- Whether a hospital is required to report on Wednesdays only.
- A cell for each required field with the number of days that specific field was reported for the week.
Hospitals are key partners in the Federal response to COVID-19, and this report is published to increase transparency into the type and amount of data being successfully reported to the U.S. Government.
9/12/2021 - Added a Summary page and broke out the attached Excel, tabbed spreadsheet into its own reports. You can access the Summary page with this link:
6/17/2023 - With the new 28-day compliance reporting period, CoP reports will be posted every 4 weeks.
HHS Protect, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services